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The silence is killing me

"We all want, above all, to be heard - but not merely to be heard. We want to be understood - heard for what we think we are saying, for what we know we meant." --Deborah Tannen

Benar-benar hari yang panjang dan ....melelahkan...!! But the worst thing, gw dicuekin seharian... Whoaa...gila yee.. Ketika gw disini harus struggling dengan begitu banyak hal, seseorang di belahan bumi yang lain, merasa kalo gw dah punya waktu buat dia not even for saying hello or sumthing...(aneeeh...!!). Kadang gw pikir, kenapa harus gw yang harus mengerti dan mendengar banyak hal tentang orang lain tapi orang lain doesn't really care abt myself and my needs ...I need to be understood and to be heard as well. Does he ever think abt it? Does he ever realize it?

The silence is killing me and surely, it gets me crazy....!!!